Saturday, 13 June 2015

Gaboli fry .(fish eggs/roe deep fry)

1.)2large fish eggs/roe (I have used here from king fish (surmai) ) 
2.) 1tsp red chili powder
3.) 1/2tsp haldi powder 
4.) salt 1tsp or as required 
5.) rice flour 1cup
6.) oil for frying

1.) clean the fish eggs in water n remove any membrane on it.
2.) add haldi powder n salt and mix it n leave for 5-10 mins.
3.) Discard any water which comes out from it .
4.) Add chili powder n mix it well . 
5.) leave it for about half hour to absorb the spice.
6.) place the fish eggs in a steamer vessel n steam for about 10-12 minutes(until cooked)
7.)Discard any water that it has let out during the steaming process,let it cool slightly.
8.) coat with rice flour.
9.) pan fry (on both sides)or deep fry in hot oil until crisp. 
10.) serve hot.

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